Raspberry Pistachio Friands

Close up of friands dusted with icing sugar

I had intended to share these last week, but I couldn’t get organized enough to put this post together. We have been deep in the throes of wedding planning for the past few months. As a result, I have been working on all sorts of fun creative projects, but I want to hold off sharing them until after the big day.  It hasn’t left a lot of time for extra baking on the side, so this blog may seem a bit slow until after June 1st. I should be back on track after that, at least until we disappear for our honeymoon!

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Chocolate Pistachio Christmas Tree Cookies

Tray of finished cookies, dipped in chocolate with pistachios crusted on the edges

Happy Sunday everyone! I have been delayed posting this recipe as I have been knee deep in cookie dough for the past week, and have been busy running last minute errands before Christmas. Speaking of which, there’s only 3 more days to go! If you’re looking for any other last minute baking ideas, check out these adorable Chocolate Pistachio Christmas tree cookies!

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Nanaimo Bars

Nanaimo bars all cut up, some facing upwards, some on their sides so you can see the layers

Alright folks, it’s time to get real. Today I’m going to tell you about how these these “easy, no-bake treats” became the bane of my existence. If you’re having trouble imagining what could possibly go wrong when making such a simple, innocent looking bar, don’t worry. You’re about to find out.

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